Gasman Solutions

Top Notch Training – Bottom Line Results

Why Gasman Solutions?


1. Simple: Learn the steps to a retail automotive sale all the way through the business office. Hands on teaching with plenty of practice and role playing to prepare you for a successful career!


2. Efficient: Learn 15 years of proven Automotive Retail best practices. No theory - Just proven methods to get Results!


Do you want to become part of a very dynamic and fast growing industry?  We believe that you can achieve tremendous numbers and you don't have to lie, cheat or misrepresent to sell vehicles and products. You will learn non-confrontational selling skills taught by industry leaders. You will learn repeatable and sustainable best practices in automotive retail, that will enable you to prosper and build a real future with an unlimited income potential. There are professionals in our industry making well into six figures, year after year.

Gasman Solutions offers many different training and consulting options to potential clients. We have the real world experience necessary to provide the training and expertise needed to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. Looking to get into F&I? Trying to figure out how to go from just selling cars and making ends meet to becoming a master of the F&I world and making a difference in your life and the lives of others? We can help!

Maybe you are a credit union CEO and you want to grow your people and expand your offerings with your members. Perhaps you are a General Manager or a Dealer and you want to grow your people and generate more revenue to move the needle on the financial statement at the end of each month. We offer a unique perspective on ways to grow people and business - doing it legally, ethically, and professionally.

Tired of the same old lame training. The same old seminars? The same boring sales meetings? We can provide you with a different perspective because Justin Gasman not only does the training, he works in the industry currently - the differentiating factor is RELEVANCE! The other sales training available for our industry is conducted by talented people, no doubt. The difference is the other people USED TO BE in the retail car business. How long ago did they wait on an up? When was the last time they demoed a car? When was last time they spun a deal or got one hung?